Dr. Jayne Gardner: Keynote Presenter
Emotions drive our everyday behavior in every space we occupy – at work and at home. But when unhealed, unconscious emotions are pushing us from the inside, our actions will cause pain, damage and disruption in our own lives and in the lives – and businesses – of the people all around us.
In her bold, powerful presentations, Dr. Jayne leads audiences to recognize where their unresolved pain is driving their behaviors and the price they are paying for them. Then, she shares her trademarked, well-proven strategy to help them heal – with awareness, grace and gentleness.
Freeing ourselves from enslavement to our negative emotions and the havoc they create is the swiftest way to energize our lives, transform career performance, resolve relationship challenges and create a new level of joy in our futures.
See Jayne Speak
Keynote Speeches by Dr. Jayne Gardner
Culture Wars: How to Deal with Diversity Deftly
Even the most open-minded person can find themselves triggered by others, especially those who seem different from us. Dr. Jayne offers audiences a clear, concise strategy to help any group of people get along better, find common ground and support one another in a peaceful way to achieve their highest goals.
How to Stop Other People from Messing Up Your Life
This presentation is for anyone who suspects that life would work a lot better if it weren’t for other people who keep messing things up. Whether one is struggling to excel professionally, raise children, keep a relationship working, build a business, or achieve their dreams, it can seem as if other people just keep on getting in the way. Here’s how to deal with that common frustration.
Eliminate Your People Problems
Leadership get a step- by- step plan to empower their employees to solve their own problems, to learn how to model how to speak the truth, to listen in a way that increases trust and builds relationship. It will leave their employees knowing that their boss cares about them but doesn’t cultivate dependence.