Dr. Jayne

Dr. Jayne Gardner coaches CEOs to create high-performance organizations.

Are you ready to transform your company into an optimally performing entity?

Where do you start?

Transitioning a business that you created from scratch out of your own blood, sweat, and tears into its highest state is possible and worth millions to your bottom line.

Just like in the beginning, when that great idea came to you to create a business, everything begins with you!

Take the first step and start your own personal coaching with Dr. Jayne.

Contact: 817-235-2430


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See Jayne Speak

Media Highlights

Executive Consulting

Give yourself a new start, overcome old problems and welcome opportunities. Dr. Jayne has helped transform the business trajectories of companies and individuals for more than 30 years, using her revolutionary “High Performance Breakthrough”.


Impactful Presentations

Dr. Jayne has the ability to quickly help groups get to the heart of what’s causing discord, delays and defeatism in any corporate setting. By revealing to you her proprietary process, High Performance Breakthrough, and helping them understand how to apply it to their individual and collective challenges, she leads companies toward renewed vigor and enhanced success.


Rent Dr. Jayne’s Brain

Need an injection of insight, confidence, clarity and results but not quite ready for a formal consulting program? Here’s how you can get her wisdom, customized for your specific issue, fast and easy. Just rent Dr. Jayne’s brain for two hours.

Create Lasting Transformation in Your Career or Company

Dr. Jayne Gardner is a world-renowned mental health expert whose body of work spans working in mental hospitals to transforming the careers of the C-Suite.

“Dr. Jayne’s speech at the regional meeting for my Young Presidents Organization was voted “best presentation”. The YPO audience is a challenging business audience composed of the movers and shakers of the world. She wowed us! But more importantly, I took away life changing ideas for how to be a better father as well as a better boss. Her presentations are truly authentic and from the heart. I would highly recommend her as a speaker and a coach. Please contact me directly if you need confirmation.”

– Barry Cervantes, Camelot Life Coach

Get to know Dr. Jayne Gardner

To help you find strength, solace and clarity – at work and at home – you want to understand how your emotions – especially the unconscious ones – drive your everyday behavior. Dr. Jayne’s lifetime of cutting-edge work, High Performance Breakthrough, will help you decide what to do to heal…starting right now.

Exotic Retreats with Dr. Jayne

In the past 2 ½ years, I have realized how short life really is. And as a result, I have made a commitment to live life every day experiencing as much JOY as I can pack into it. I have stopped saying to myself, “One day I will do that trip”! Join me as I co-lead two trips to places I have always wanted to experience. I had just manifested a dream come true for myself: travel and personal growth. Two of my favorite things!

Assessment for Growth

To get to where you’re going, you first have to know where you are. To begin your own transformation towards a more harmonious, peaceful, clear and aligned life, take this free assessment now.

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