Hello Journalists

Dr. Jayne Gardner is a member of the Forbes Coaching Council and her following
responses have been selected for publication in Forbes Expert Panel:
Recent Media
- Dr. Jayne’s Process Featured in Inc. Magazine
- Dr. Jayne Podcast – Best Job Ever part 1
- Dr. Jayne Podcast – Best Job Ever part 2
- Dr. Jayne quoted in Worklife, Dec 6, 2022
- Article published in Emotional Intelligence Magazine, December 2022, “How to Safely and Effectively Release Strong Emotions.”
- Dr. Jayne Gardner, Performance Coach & Joel Patterson, The Vested Group | The Jeff Crilley Show
- ABC Toledo, Ohio
- Top 15 Coaches In Dallas In 2022
- Published in Emotional Intelligence Magazine: Why Emotional Intelligence Should Be a Prerequisite for Leaders
- Published in Forbes Magazine: How To Create An Employee-Focused Culture (That Pays Off)
- Meetings Overload Could be the Death of Your Career
- KTRH Radio
- New workplace trends: Quiet quitting and quiet firing | CBS Tucson, AZ
- KTRS Radio
- CHQR Radio
- CHQR Canada Video
- What are the things leaders do that make employees quit? | Talk Radio CHQR Calgary Canada
- WBAP Radio
- WHO Radio
- WILS Radio
- WJR Radio
- WOOD Radio
- WBAP Video
- Survey: Half of U.S. companies gearing up for layoffs | Dallas via FOX News Radio
- ‘Quiet firing’ – the signs your manager may be nudging you out the door | NBC Oklahoma City
- Signs you are being ‘quiet fired’ from your job | Talk Radio WBZ Boston
- What is ‘quiet firing’? | Talk Radio WBAP Dallas/Fort Worth
- Quiet Quitters – Time to Face Your Consequences…
- Has workplace spying gone too far? | SiriusXM’s Road Dog Trucking
- How to vent at work in a productive way | West Michigan via FOX News Radio
- Guiding principles for business objectives other than profit | Practical Tax Podcast
- Survey: Half of U.S. companies gearing up for layoffs | iHeart’s Talk Radio WLW Cincinnati
- KOGO Radio
- WTAM Radio
- Survey: 50% of employers expect layoffs | iHeart’s Talk Radio KPRC Houston
- WIOD Radio

Dr. Jayne Gardner is a mental health expert whose body of work spans working in mental hospitals to transforming the careers of the C-Suite.
Her research-driven methods guide people to recognize where unhealed emotions are driving current performance. Interviewing the dynamic Dr. Jayne will give your audience concise cogent insights and advice on coping with any type of personal or professional trauma or discontent.
Dr. Jayne’s areas of expertise include these topics:
- Why bullies, tyrants and psychopaths exist and what to do about it
- What it means to be criminally insane and how people get that way
- How our early traumas limit our current careers
- What our choice of romantic partner is really based on – and why some people just keep choosing the same personality
- The reasons some people will always be unlucky underdogs – until they slough off their shell
- How uncontrolled anger generates a lifetime of problems
- Uncovering the root cause of the depression epidemic
Dr. Jayne’s extensive experience helping people trapped by early sorrows and traumas – and what any of us can do to truly free ourselves – makes her a specific, valuable interview. Reach out to Dr. Jayne on her media hotline number at (817) 235-2430.
Media Exposure

Speaking Inquiries
To inquire about Dr. Jayne speaking at your next event, please complete the contact form below: