
Experiencing a painful divorce, I was struggling to get out of bed, completely lacking motivation. Today, my life is completely turned around. I am out of debt, have attracted my life partner and my new business is thriving. Thank you Dr. Gardner!

Bryan Daigle, entrepreneur, Austin

Dr. Jayne Gardner is a true pioneer in the science of personal growth! Her process is the handbook for a new era of personal transformation, a must read for seekers who are ready to take their quest to the next level.

Kathleen McGowan
international best-selling author of The Expected One

“Her talk was very valuable to me – I have some employees who were stuck in emotional issues which are limiting their success and minimizing their performance.”

David Margulies
Margulies Communications Group

Even though it’s still in its first year of installation in my company, everyone is talking about the High Performance Breakthrough coaching culture! More people now want to take the personal empowerment course because of other team members just talking about it. Everyone is also super appreciative of the opportunity.

The HPB coaching culture has been a transformative experience for our team. It has not only fostered stronger collaboration but also significantly boosted our productivity. Since implementing the specific HPB strategies, we’ve seen a marked improvement in both team cohesion and overall company performance, driving us to new heights of success. We have also received an abundance of appreciation from our employees that our company provided this opportunity and that it’s something they have never even been offered before. This just confirms it’s a true benefit for both the team and the company.

Justin Burkhaulter
CEO, Bandera Networks, Addison, TX

Dr. Jayne’s remarkable insight into how my “primal wound” was present in my life even all these years later was startling to me.  When I saw how that one event, that I’ve spent my whole life trying to ignore, shaped who I became, I was so surprised.  But then when she taught me how to reactivate it, rewire it, release it – and thus set me free, that was the real gift of her work.  Just incredible. This process is just incredible.

Wendy K., Malibu

The High Performance Breakthrough experience was a life-changing journey that transformed me both personally and professionally. It provided profound insights into how experiences from my past were shaping my role as a leader, father and husband. I experienced significant growth and had numerous eye-opening moments. This transformative process not only made me a better person but also enriched my relationships and leadership abilities in ways I never thought possible. I highly recommend everyone go through this journey to unlock their full potential and truly understand the impact of their personal history on their present and future.

John Mack
Managing Partner, The Vested Group,

“When starting my work with Dr. Jayne I wanted to increase my confidence level as a leader in our organization. A few weeks after completing High Performance Breakthrough, my increased confidence saved us from losing millions because I had the confidence to speak up to a major customer, who referred us new clients. That is how this works to help the bottom line.

Neeraj Sharma, architectural engineer, Plano

“In my career, I was successful at achieving goals which supported corporate objectives; however, in retrospect I realize some of my personal beliefs limited my overall effectiveness.  Going through this rewire process during my corporate days, I have more energy, focus and creativity for greater success, and realized more professional as well as personal fulfillment.”

Susan Potter
Graphics Production Manager, Retired, Verizon

“Very valuable to me – I have some clients who are stuck in emotional issues which are limiting their success”


“Lots of notes on neuroscience and reprogramming! Very excited to begin this technique with clients. Excellent content and enjoyed the demo.”


You have changed my life, Dr. Jayne!!!! I am a Chick-fil-a franchise owner of a 20 million dollar quick service business. I am better in my personal life as well as my business life! Thank you!

Aaron Williams, Frisco, Texas

Before High Performance Breakthrough, I was burned out in my medical profession as well as my relationships. This process was a rebirth changing my energy level and renewing my relationships. Now, two years later, I got through the COVID crisis and did not go back to the old powerlessness again. This process sustains the test of time!

Betty Choi-Fung, MD., Toronto

“Dr. Jayne Gardner’s personal transformation process  is a brilliant methodology utilizing memories, experiences, and emotions for breakthroughs, expansion, and transformation.”

Rev Karen Fry
Co-Spiritual Director, CSL Dallas

Individuals and HPB coaches respond:

I don’t overstate it when I say that the work Dr. Jayne is doing with her personal empowerment process, High Performance Breakthrough, is “Life Changing,” even for someone at the age of 63! I have done a lot of personal work through other readings, courses and coaching, but the time I spent with Dr. Jayne working her process took all of that to another level of consciousness. Plus, the new habits I have been able to form as a result have set me on a new path in life.

John Sequeira
CEO, TL One Partner LLC

This process not only changed my life, it saved my life!

Barb Stewart
Business Owner

The character Wendy Rhodes, who counsels a hedge fund company of the TV show Billions, sparked an idea in Joel Patterson’s head. The Vested Group, a Plano, Texas based tech consulting firm has a secret weapon to empower their employees…Patterson, a sixth year 2024 winner of Inc’s Best Workplaces, believes his investment (in the HPB Process) in employee empowerment has a positive effect on retention, engagement and productivity, and that’s ultimately a boon for The Vested Group’s bottom line. The company went from 4M annual revenue to 16M bottom line after the coaching culture.

How This Company’s In-House Life Coach Turbocharged a New Hire’s Career.

Jennifer Conrad
Inc Magazine, June 17, 2024, Senior Writer

On July 4, 2017, I could walk. On July 5, 2017, I couldn’t walk anymore. For the next year, I remained paralyzed. I visited several doctors, but my condition was inexplicable and I fell into a deep depression. Thanks to Dr. Jayne and her High Performance Breakthrough, I am walking again, working a job of purpose, and leading a normal life.

Tony Isla, 34, military veteran, Austin

“About the time I started working with Dr. Gardner, one of my company’s biggest business partners abruptly changed their business model, drastically reducing income for us.  After using this process, several business opportunities materialized that more than made up for the lost revenue.  I attribute this to clearing my energy using this process so I could attract the work that I want and need.”

Kristin Robertson
KR Consulting, Inc

Dr. Jayne’s speech at the regional meeting for my Young Presidents Organization was voted “best presentation”. The YPO audience is a challenging business audience composed of the movers and shakers of the world. She wowed us! But more importantly, I took away life changing ideas for how to be a better father as well as a better boss. Her presentations are truly authentic and from the heart. I would highly recommend her as a speaker and a coach. Please contact me directly if you need confirmation.

Barry Cervantes
Business owner and Member, Young Presidents Organization

I am much more self-aware of how my environment, the people I surround myself with and work-life balance affect me. I have become more proactive in networking and improving my software skills. I focus on small wins on a day-by-day basis.

Damarien Tenorio
Consultant, The Vested Group

“Awesome presentation; practical scenario was deeply helpful to ground her talk.”


Front cover of book:
A radical new culture for unleashing your company’s potential….

Jim Keyes
Former CEO, Blockbuster and 7-Eleven

I am part owner of a family management consulting business. Jayne’s process, High Performance Breakthrough, has helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses and been instrumental in my growth as a person and business partner. HPB’s 12-week personal empowerment process has helped us all learn more about ourselves and our purposes in life. It has improved our organization’s structure and communication. Additionally, it has helped our children find positions that foster their growth and success. Self-awareness, fostered by HPB, has given us, as a family firm, the confidence to make difficult decisions and embrace change.

Denise Sweeney
COO, RH Sweeney Associates, LLC

Dr. Gardner’s presentation was impressive and valuable to me because she is REAL!  The minute she begins speaking, you feel her authenticity.  There is almost an Erma Bombeck quality about her real-life approach and her humor.  As soon as she begins doing her work, there is no doubt about the proficiency with which she helps clients shift their thinking to create profound results.

Chapter President
Heartland Coaches Association Chapter of International Coaches Federation

Dr. Jayne’s HPB process helped me identify and release the negative thinking that left me shackled and unenergized about life. The joy and energy have returned! After personally experiencing her process, I was excited to share it with my executive team. HPB helped set a company culture in place where everyone knows that their personal empowerment is valued and expected. I saw tangible results of team members dropping their guard, allowing them to have constructive communication and ultimately a better performing team. As with any change, HPB can be met with some resistance but is worth the time and money invested to see happier employees and a more productive and energized work environment.

Denise Gasmire
Champion Services, CEO and Founder