High Performance Breakthrough

High Performance Breakthrough

Jayne Gardner, PHD, MCC is a Business Strategist helping entrepreneurs eliminate their people problems by installing an employee focused culture. Employees experiencing High Performance Breakthrough is the foundation for that culture.

High Performance Breakthrough is a personal growth system for identifying, processing, and permanently deactivating the primal wound that we all carry unconsciously in our work life preventing us from our highest performance.

Deactivating this emotional control over us raises leaders’ Emotional Set Point, improving employee engagement while increasing the happiness level of all people they touch in their personal and business lives.

Independent Study

This version of the process includes 12 lectures, meditations and writing exercises to increase your performance as a leader. Each week a dialog will drop for you to follow along with and complete in independent study.

Webinar Format

This is Dr. Jayne’s life-changing, signature process, High Performance Breakthrough. Included with this dynamic 12-week webinar course are weekly webinars, exercises for leaders as well as live coaching experiences. 

Neuroscience of Business Coaching

This course offers 42 CEUs for coaches and other mental health professionals and is designed for the coach/consultant who works with executives, entrepreneurs, and corporate people.