What if?

Our brain, the anticipation machine, constantly asks “What if?” to protect us from potential dangers. This pattern of thinking often starts in childhood when we’re warned about possible risks! – What if it rains today and you don’t have your...

Rules of Engagement

📣 Founders, entrepreneurs, business leaders – here’s how clear expectations helps everyone stay aligned and fosters a positive work environment (and business success!)🌟 Rules of Engagement are POWERFUL guidelines that help make sure everyone on the team...

Does Anger Rule You?

Stop letting anger rule you. Impossible? Not at all. Anger is a natural emotion signaling something needs attention. 💥 Embrace it. Learn from it. Use it as a tool for self-improvement and better communication. The key? Process anger, don’t suppress it. Unlock...

The Primal Scream

Ever been there? A snarky remark at work or your child’s teacher calling about their behavior boils your blood. One more social media post makes you doubt yourself. 😫 It’s time to vent, but without hurting others. 🧠 Our brains have three regions: the...