Rules of Engagement

📣 Founders, entrepreneurs, business leaders – here’s how clear expectations helps everyone stay aligned and fosters a positive work environment (and business success!)🌟 Rules of Engagement are POWERFUL guidelines that help make sure everyone on the team...

Does Anger Rule You?

Stop letting anger rule you. Impossible? Not at all. Anger is a natural emotion signaling something needs attention. 💥 Embrace it. Learn from it. Use it as a tool for self-improvement and better communication. The key? Process anger, don’t suppress it. Unlock...

The Primal Scream

Ever been there? A snarky remark at work or your child’s teacher calling about their behavior boils your blood. One more social media post makes you doubt yourself. 😫 It’s time to vent, but without hurting others. 🧠 Our brains have three regions: the...

The Truth about Desperation

The truth about desperation? Desperation and urgency kill manifestation. Here’s why: Like attracts in this universe of ours. If you are urgent, you are putting off an attraction that says, I am scared there will not be enough for me. And if you are desperate, you are...

Manifesting Your Best Life

“Never fall in love, Mom!” Years ago, I had found the PERFECT house, and had asked my mergers and acquisition attorney daughter, “How do I negotiate a good price?” She cautioned me, “If you walk in wanting one house that badly, the price will be as high as your...